
We are arranging the Vaasa Marssi event 8.-10.8.2025, as an international IML-, IML Nordic-, IML&IVV Cup- and IVV-event. A hearty welcome!

If we receive too few registrations for a certain route we might cancel it. The walker can then choose another route. We inform the walkers about changes in the program.

On Saturday 9.8. the Voluntary Defence Training organisation is arranging their Kesäyön marssi (March in the summer night) in Vaasa. We are actively co-operating with them in arrangements of both events.

On your way to or from Vaasa you can accomplish a 10 km / 20 km IVV-Walk in Tampere Region, more info from mrs Liisa Tyllilä, Tel: + 358 400 636 057, E-Mail:, or Hiking Travel, Tel: + 358  50 414 7197 , E-Mail:

Note! In 2025 IVV-Olympiade will be arranged in Tampere the week after Vaasan Marssi on 14th to 17th August 2025.

